Home » Imprint

This imprint was last updated on Mai 3, 2024.

The owner of this website is:

Designtec s.r.o. (=GmbH)
č.p. 66
78332 Náklo
Czech Republic
Email: info@designtec.eu
Phone number: +420 774 586 528
VAT ID: CZ 285 72 327

The legal representative(s) of Designtec s.r.o. (=GmbH):

Petr Vymlátil

1. General

1.1 We are registered at Czech Commercial Register administered by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Reg.-Nr. 43802 under the license or registration number:

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

2. The following information is mandatory according to German law.

2.1 Unsere Berufshaftpflichtversicherung lautet:

Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s.
Spálená 75/16, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Teritorial limit: