Tag: Automation
New version of A-BOLT 2.0 was released
Our tool for assessment of bolted connections in ANSYS, A-BOLT, was updated with new features. Alongside various minor enhancements, we’ve made two significant improvements: Harmonic and Random Vibration Analyses are now supported in A-BOLT Now, you can insert Bolt Groups and other post-processing objects into Harmonic and Random Vibration analysis system. A-BOLT automatically extracts working…
A-BOLT: Automated Assessment of Bolts for ANSYS
A-BOLT is an ANSYS ACT Extension for automated assessment and verification of prestressed bolted connections. A-BOLT is seamlessly integrated into ANSYS Mechanical environment providing user friendly interface for defining of multiple groups of bolts, database with bolts, nuts, inserts, materials and friction coefficients, detailed output ready for documentation and many other useful features.
ANSYS ACT Extension: Energy plot
The extension allows to evaluate the time history of the energies like stiffness energy, kinetic energy, damping energy, work done by external load, artificial energy due to hourglass control/drill stiffness or due to contact stabilization damping, artificial energy due to nonlinear stabilization.
ANSYS ACT Extension: Figures Manager
The extension allows efficient change of graphical preferences of multiple result Figures located in the Mechanical Outline tree. The Figures properties (like name, view, deformed scale, min/max symbols, legend etc.) for each Figure are displayed in a synoptic table and can be changed all at once by multiple row selection. The extension can be used…